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The Full Story

A note from EveB

As someone who has been in the adult industry for 13 years now, I've seen the landscape change so many times here. When covid hit and so many swarmed to places like OnlyFans to supplement their income I saw a huge void of information for them in what they really were diving into. Confusion over taxes, safety and screening, keeping their private information safe, all could so easily be circumvented if only they had access to the advice before learning it the hard way. Then OF hit us with the threat of deplatforming our content creators, and while it is far from the first or last time I'll see it, it was more visible in the chaos that took over some lives. In response to that, I took the webisodes I had begun putting together just prior and took them live free on a platform for anyone to ask questions. Then I took all the recordings and put them all together in one place where anyone can access them for $1, which is only set there because Gumroad won't let me put big files up completely free. I want to be the change I want to see, and I want to see our community support and take care of each other because no one quite understands us like other industry people do. I want to be an educator that helps foster a sense of security in an industry that can be so wonderful but also wildly exposing. I hope to change the experience of as many as I can while sharing my knowledge.


The mission of my Safety In Hoedom series is to share the knowledge I have gained being within the adult industry for as long as I have. In sharing information that I learned through my own trial and error or my friends, we can create a safe environment for our community as a whole. Knowledge is power.


While I've completed the live series of the topics I found most pertinent I hope to continue to grow the knowledge base there. Any time I come across a new topic that can further help educate and keep safe people deciding to join our community I will happily continue to add to the Safety In Hoedom series.

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